Next month will be our 37th anniversary. Do you remember what you were doing in October 1985? Were you even alive?
Every Sunday, we take to the stage at 7.30pm with no script. Six of us, one of whom plays the keyboard. The cast varies but the core group is Josie Lawrence, Lee Simpson, Andy Smart, Richard Vranch and me. We ask the audience for suggestions for our various games.
By 9.30pm we have performed a show based on what the audience gave us - film and theatre styles, emotions, hobbies, sports, occupations and even a title for our improvised musical which takes much of the second half. And the audience goes away happy.
We used to go out for a meal after, still hyper. Now we are older, we head home to bed. A waiter at the Italian restaurant we used to frequent once asked Paul Merton who we were and what we did. He explained that we do a two hour show with no script. The waiter told us that it was impossible. He was very persuasive.
That was certainly what I believed before I performed in an improv show. I had heard of them but never seen them. Now I know the joy we share with our silly spontaneity…
Here are a couple of videos I made, using shots and video from the last two Sundays. Incredibly, I was able to edit them on my iPhone on the Tube on the way home.
This is from 22nd August
This is 29th August
I hope to see you there soon.
Line-ups, our history and more at
Here is a picture of us from 2005. We were at The Globe Theatre, so Mark Rylance was there. He has guested with us at the Store.